
ESPEN 2013

Konfernecje medyczne
30.08.2013 - 03.09.2013, Lipsk (zagranica)
Czerwony_ptaszek Zakończona
30.08.2013 - 03.09.2013, Lipsk (zagranica)
  • Specjalizacja: Anestezjologia i intensywna terapia, Chirurgia ogólna, Chirurgia onkologiczna, Gastroenterologia, Medycyna rodzinna, Onkologia kliniczna
  • Miejsce: Congress Centre Leipzig (CCL), Messe-Allee 1, Lipsk
  • Organizator: ESPEN 2013, c/o MCI
  • Kontakt: Tel. +41 22 33 99 580, Fax +41 22 33 99 631, E-mail:
  • WWW:
  • Koszt uczestnictwa: 265 - 635 EURO
Przysyłanie abstraktów: 10.04.2013,
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  • Informacje dodatkowe:
    On behalf of the Local Organising Committee and the German Society for Clinical Nutrition (DGEM) we would like to invite you to the 35th ESPEN Congress 2013 held for the second time in Leipzig. Many of you may have already participated at the 10th congress in Leipzig in 1988. Since then Europe has changed tremendously. 25 years on, we are grateful to have the opportunity once again to host the ESPEN Congress and to share with you this “wind of change”. The city of Leipzig in the former GDR was the origin of the peaceful revolution in 1989, which was the beginning of “Freiheit” (freedom) and the reunification of Germany. This historical background creates the theme for the congress: “Tearing down barriers – nutrition brings people together”. You can expect an interesting, broad and open minded programme, offering both updated and cutting-edge science, as well as clinical practice. As a congress venue, Leipzig offers a lot: one of the most modern congress sites in Germany, a superb infrastructure, and all the charms of an adorable city in which you can enjoy your leisure time. The city of Leipzig has a rich heritage in both music and the performing arts. Names like Johann Sebastian Bach and Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy are inseparably linked to the city. In 2013 Leipzig celebrates the 200th birthday of Richard Wagner who was born here. The “Gewandhaus” Concert Hall is. The “Gewandhaus” Concert Hall is home to a world-class Orchestra known for its excellence in classical music performances. In addition, one of the oldest and most famous German Boys`Choirs, the “Thomanerchor” of the St. Thomas Church, celebrated its 800th anniversary in 2012. Its most famous choirmaster from 1723 to 1750 was none other than Johann Sebastian Bach. The people of Leipzig will be delighted to welcome participants from all over the world, to share and exchange ideas, and to make their guests feel at home. We hope to see you in Leipzig in 2013.
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